Every business owner needs an incisive advisor or a fixer from time to time. We are that legal all-rounder. With determination and unbridled drive, we tackle all your legal issues. This allows you as an entrepreneur ... exactly: to do business.

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Meet our team

These are our enthusiastic and dedicated lawyers, each strong in his or her own specialty, assisted by a committed team of support staff. A strong and cohesive team of which we are extremely proud!

Our highly trained specialists work in various fields such as labor and corporate law, construction and real estate law, insolvency law and family and inheritance law. It is precisely the combination of all these specialties under one roof that enables us to provide you and your company with full service at the highest level and with short lines of communication. This allows us to act proactively together with you.


Knowledge articles

Verhuurders opgelet! Houdt u op de juiste wijze toezicht op uw vastgoed?

Verhuurders opgelet! Houdt u op de juiste wijze toezicht op uw vastgoed?

Steff Huijbers

Steff Huijbers


Knowledge articles

Kan ouderschapsverlof worden geweigerd?

Ingrid van den Broek

Ingrid van den Broek


Couveuseverlof, geboorteverlof en ouderschapsverlof. Hoe zit dat precies?

Ingrid van den Broek

Ingrid van den Broek





Business brokers meeting

Lunch meeting for business brokers



Housing agent meeting

Lunch meeting for housing agents

Knowledge files

Erfrecht Kennisdossier Plaatje

Inheritance Law



Wet Homologatie Onderhands Akkoord

Private agreement homologation act (WHOA).

Legally Pregnant Kennisdossier Image

Legally pregnant


About TRC Advocaten

For nearly 70 years, TRC has assisted business owners, governments and individuals in legal matters. We do that together with you. Decisive, down-to-earth and always efficient. We do not forget the human dimension. Quality and professionalism are of paramount importance to us. This is also reflected in our ISO27001 certification: we are one of the few law firms in the Netherlands that meet this standard in order to safeguard your business and confidential data with the highest possible guarantees. We look at the person and business behind the legal question and provide a customized solution.

Pand TRC

Do you have questions or are you looking for legal advice?

Leave your details below and specify your question. One of our specialists will help you as soon as possible.

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Especially for entrepreneurs and the people behind them

Working together; not for you but with you

Honest advice from our specialists