TRC Advocaten 38 500Px

Erik Vannisselroy

Erik Vannisselroy was sworn in as a lawyer in 1993 and joined (the legal predecessor of) TRC Advocaten. Since 2002 he has been one of the partners. He advises and litigates in the field of corporate and labor law. Specialties are: corporate law, corporate acquisitions, labor law, contract law and debt collection.

Erik has an extensive track record and has many clients in the business services, agricultural and IT sectors. He also works extensively for manufacturing and trading companies.
Erik studied Dutch law at Tilburg University, majoring in corporate law.

He is a member of VAAN (Vereniging Arbeidsrecht Advocaten Nederland). He is also a member of the VIA (Vereniging van Incasso- en procesadvocaten). Erik is a sportive and active member of the regional community; he also holds several board positions, including being chairman of Rotaryclub Veldhoven, board member of Stichting Veldhoven Verbindt and chairman of the Advisory Board of a secondary school.

TRC Advocaten 38 500Px


Mag een werkgever vakantiedagen afboeken bij een zieke werknemer?

Erik Vannisselroy

Erik Vannisselroy


Bestuurder persoonlijk aansprakelijk bij turboliquidatie

Erik Vannisselroy

Erik Vannisselroy


Werkgever vergeet fiscale bijtelling voor bedrijfsauto aan werknemer door te berekenen. Voor wiens rekening en risico komt dat?

Erik Vannisselroy

Erik Vannisselroy


Wurgcontracten en algemene voorwaarden: let op de 'kleine lettertjes'!

Erik Vannisselroy

Erik Vannisselroy
